Upload Pictures From Pixel to Google Drive

Pixel 4 has finally came out in this Oct!! There is no uncertainty that it's the King in the area of cell phone's pixel. If you desire to ask what's new with the Pixel 4'south camera? In a give-and-take, everything. Once more, photography is however the headliner of this evidence.

Property with this outstanding Pixel four which own the splendid camera pixel, you can capture every wonderful moment in life. But don't forget to make a photo backup regularly in case you lost these photos by blow. Then how to conveniently backup Pixel 4's photos must be a problem. Abreast Google Drive and Google Photos Library, what else can you lot apply to make photograph backups in time? Don't worry, here come with Syncios Information Transfer and Syncios Director! They all can helps to transfer photos between Google Pixel iv and computer without any data loss! Now, showtime to learn how!

transfer google pixel 4 photos to computer

Method 1: Employ Google Bulldoze to backup & sync all Google Pixel iv's photos

You can upload, view, share, and edit files with Google Drive. When y'all upload a file to Google Drive, information technology volition take up space in your Bulldoze. For Pixel users, you can choose to upload through estimator on Pixel four direct. See the details below.

Upload Google Pixel 4 photos through figurer

1. Get to drive.google.com or y'all can install Google Drive on your computer.

2. Click 'New' >> 'File Upload' to choose the photos you want to upload. Or y'all can drag certain photos or photograph binder to it directly.

Upload Google Pixel 4 photos on Pixel directly

1. Install Google Drive App on Pixel 4. Launch information technology.

two. Tap on 'Add' icon and choose 'Upload'.

3. Find and tap on the certain photos or photo binder you want to upload.

google logo

Method ii: Syncios Data Transfer helps to backup all Google Pixel 4's photos & pictures

Here we accept another useful tools to assistance you lot sync all photos and pictures from Google Pixel 4 to computer. In one case you lot want to retrieve these photos or desire to sync to other devices, you can use 'Restore' role to find these photos back. Syncios Information Transfer promise to do you a favor at anytime.

Pace 1: Launch Syncios Data Transfer >> Cull 'Backup' function >> Connect Google Pixel 4 to computer

At present, please install Syncios Data Transfer on calculator first. Launch information technology and choose 'Backup' function, connect Google Pixel 4 to Syncios through USB cablevision or by scanning the QR lawmaking. Before you choose the contents, don't forget to set your saving path in accelerate. So tap 'Next' to select photos.

backup google pixel 4 photos to computer step 1

Footstep 2: Choose 'Camera Roll' & 'Photo Library' >> Click 'Side by side' to launch

Data that allowed to back up from Google Pixel 4 to computer volition all list on screen. Just tick 'Photographic camera Roll' and 'Photo Library' pick and click 'Side by side' to load all photos of your Google Pixel 4. Then click 'Next' once more to transfer all Pixel iv'southward photos to computer.

backup google pixel 4 photos to computer step 2

Tips: If yous encounter whatsoever detection problem during the procedure, please cheque our Android tutorial for aid. Attending: Wi-Fi connection only back up Android device currently. Only when Android phone and computer are access to the same network tin Wi-Fi connectedness works.

Method 3: Use Syncios Managing director to transfer desired photograph folders and specific photo files

If yous prefer to backup certain photo files, like some precious photos, some photo albums which are full of memories, Syncios Director might satisfy you meliorate. You tin can see how it works under below.

At the first beginning, delight download and install Syncios Director on your computer. Then launch it and connect Google Pixel 4 to computer. Once Syncios terminate to sync your Pixel four, choose 'Photos' option from the left console to listing out all photo folder. You can choose to backup certain photo folder or specific photograph files, more than details volition evidence under below.

Backup Pixel iv'due south Photo Folder

Select certain photo folder from interface directly, tap the 'Consign' button to cull the backup path. Then click 'Consign' push to transfer this Google Pixel iv's photo folder to computer.

backup google pixel 4 photo folder to computer

Fill-in Pixel four's Photograph File

To select certain photos, delight double click on sure photo folder enter showtime . So you tin select multiple photograph files of your willing. Afterwards selection, tap the 'Export' push button and do the same operations testify in the upper stride.

backup google pixel 4 photo file to computer

Notice: If y'all desire to experience the i-Click Backup and Restore office, we highly recommend you to upgrade Syncios Manager into Syncios Ultimate version which supports to ane click backup all photos and pictures from Google Pixel 4 to figurer. What'southward more, you can gain the fully Syncios Information Transfer plan likewise. If you are interested in ultimate version, you can view 'Syncios Version Compare' to know more divergence between costless version and ultimate version.

Method iv: Use Syncios Manager's i-Click Fill-in to backup all Google Pixel 4's photos & pictures

Upgrade to ultimate version, you tin can non only experience the ane-Click Fill-in and Restore function but also gain other useful phone manage tools like video downloader, audio converter, gif maker, ringtone maker, etc... Hither is how you could backup Google Pixel 4'due south photos in one click operation.

Stride 1: Upgrade to Syncios Ultimate >> Go to 'Toolkit' >> Choose '1-Click Backup' function

Launch Syncios Director and register with your ultimate license. Then go to 'Toolkit' module, you will come across the '1-Click Backup' function is available to use now. Tap on it.

1-click backup google pixel 4

Step two: Cull 'Photos' choice >> Click 'Start Backup'

Syncios Ultimate achieves to 1 click backup multiple contents, you can click on the expand push to select more than contents. Only tick 'Photos' pick here and choose your saving path if you need to. Then click on 'Start Backup' to transfer all photos from Pixel 4 to computer.

1-click backup google pixel 4s photos

Tips: If you encounter any detection trouble during the process, delight cheque our Android tutorial for help.

Method five: Employ Google Photo App to backup Google Pixel 4's photos to Google Photos Library

Google Photos Library helps to storage your Google Pixel 4's photos you lot take and saved in fourth dimension. You tin can view these photos and get them dorsum whenever you want.

Before y'all beginning, brand sure you're signed in to your Google Account.

  • 1. Open the Google Photos App on your Google Pixel 4.
  • 2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  • three. At the elevation, tap Bill of fare.
  • 4. Select Settings and and then Support & sync.
  • 5. Tap "Dorsum up & sync" on.
  • 6. Sign in to your Google Account.

Cheque if your photos are backed up.

  • one. Open up the Google Photos App on your Google Pixel iv.
  • 2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  • iii. Tap Photos.
  • iv. At the top, you'll come across if your photos are backed upward, or if it's however waiting to back upwards.

google logo

Actress Tips: How to DIY Photo GIF on Google Pixel 4

Syncios Director, this comprehensive phone handy assistant, possess with the function of making personalized photo GIF!!! You lot can add multiple photos and combine them to a gif, playing speed and gif size can all set by yourself. Later conversion, you can choose to save on Google Pixel 4 directly or keep in storage on computer.

Step 1: Launch Syncios Manager and get to 'Photos' as well, select multiple photo files you similar. Then click on 'Convert to GIF' on the carte du jour bar to set up parameters.

make google pixel 4 photo gif step 1

Step ii: If y'all want to add other photos to this GIF, you tin click on 'Add' to add more than photos from computer or from devices. Then fix the output size and frame rate. The smaller the number, the slower the rate. If you want to save this GIF on computer, please choose the saving path in advance, or you tin can choose to directly import to Google Pixel 4 instead.

make google pixel 4 photo gif step 2

Summary: In a higher place are 5 useful solutions for you to transfer photos from Google Pixel 4 to computer efficiently. Except Google Drive and Google Photograph Library, Syncios Information Transfer and Syncios Manager tin attain the two-way transmission between Google Pixel iv and calculator. More importantly, they ain other helpful tools to aid you manage your data well.

Supported Google Devices

Google Google Pixel 4, Google Pixel 4XL, Google Pixel 3A, Google Pixel 3A XL, Google Pixel 3, Google Pixel iii XL, Google Pixel ii, Google Pixel two XL, Google Pixel, Google Pixel Forty, Google Nexus 6P, Google Nexus 6, Google Nexus v, Google Nexus 5X, Google Nexus 4, Google Nexus Southward, Google Nexus One HTC Nexus, Google Nexus Southward 4G, Google Drinking glass and all Android devices.

Supported OS: Android 3 - the latest Android

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Source: https://www.syncios.com/android/transfer-photos-from-google-pixel-4-to-computer.html

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